November 17, 2020 Indian pharmaceutical industry as a pharmacy of the developing world Indian generic medicines that are cheap but ensure a certain level of quality play an important role for the poor people in LMICs from the viewpoint of SDGs & UHC. The aim of this study is to understand the role of the Indian pharmaceutical industry as a “pharmacy of the developing world”. 2,243 total views
November 16, 2020 The world in need of eternal light of Diwali Trinidad and Tobago needs the light of Diwali, not only because of the covid19 pandemic but to bring the national populace out of the darkness which surrounds the country at… 797 total views
November 16, 2020 A Good Education System for the Sustainability A good education system is the backbone of a society and is the assurance of its sustainable survival. The system ensures the availability of good citizens to society. The prevailing… 1,769 total views
November 15, 2020 Hinduism and Individualism: A Comparative Study HINDUISM The Upanishad represent a significant reorientation in the philosophical thinking and approach of ancient Indians towards their understanding of God, the status of individual souls in God’s creation, and… 3,061 total views
November 8, 2020 Cultural Identity: a boon or a curse? Knowledge and Culture are two different things but are very much connected to each other. Knowledge refers to reason. Culture refers to emotion. These are like the two most important parts of our body, i.e. brain and heart. The whole body would cease to function without synchronizing the two. So both of them play a momentous role in life. Knowledge and Culture are inter-dependent. In this era of globalization, you lack cultural identity. This crisis of Cultural identity may play havoc in the lives of many. What do you think? 2,598 total views
November 7, 2020 Feminism and Individualism I derive from her the concept of primary movers and state how women in their own ways are primary movers and they have been treated viciously. There is immense hatred against the whole concept of womanhood. She is just treated as a tool for sex and reproduction, while men reap the benefits of their labor. 2,022 total views
November 4, 2020 पत्रकारिता का बदलता स्वरूप: आम आदमी पत्रकारिता का आरम्भ मेरी नज़र में तब से हुआ जब मानव ने नगाड़े बजा-बजा कर अपने सन्देश भेजने शुरू किये। और तब से लेकर आज तक अनगिनत सोपानों को पार कर अपने परिष्कृत रूप में पत्रकारिता का हर माध्यम अपने-अपने नगाड़े बजा कर डंके की चोट पर अपने सन्देश दृश्य और श्रव्य रूप में प्रसारित कर रहा है। आज इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया के युग में जहाँ पत्रकारिता का स्वरूप अपने आप में पूर्णता लिए हुए है वहीं पर उस पर कई आरोप भी लग रहे हैं, जिससे अंतत: आम आदमी ही प्रभावित होता दिखाई पड़ता है- फिर चाहे वह माध्यम दृश्य हो या श्रव्य। 4,438 total views
November 2, 2020 श्रीरामचरितमानस श्रीरामचरितमानस एक ऐसा ग्रन्थ है जिसकी उपादेयता किसी भी भूखंड या किसी भी कालखंड तक भी सीमित नहीं रह सकती. भारतीय परिपेक्ष्य में तो जन-जन इससे परिचित है पर वैश्र्विक स्तर पर भी इसकी उपादेयता किसी भी प्रकार कम नहीं है. 1,914 total views
November 2, 2020 All producers on One Portal: APOP Aristotle once said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” I was wondering if instead of creating “One Nation: One market”, should we not look at “All producers on One Portal” APOP,… 1,434 total views, 1 views today
October 28, 2020 Indian history lost in the translation of Max Muller Max Muller went on to create an illusion of many a deceitful theory all manufactured on concocted premises which were carried forward by left historians subsequently. The idea was to create a rift in society, cement the schism and nurture a low self-esteemed self-hating Hindu society. Some of the sin which I can list below for my reader here are all conspired under missionary priority. 5,105 total views, 1 views today